Know how long you should expect the restricted diet to last. Know if there are specific foods you should avoid. Find out if you can safely “chew” soft foods by mashing them between your tongue and the roof of your mouth. Find out whether you can have solids that are pureed or mashed.
Some small chunks may be all right, as long as you can swallow them without chewing. Blenders work best with enough liquid. If potato salad is sticking to the walls of the blender and not moving, add a bit of milk, yogurt, water, or sour cream. Try to add liquids with flavors that will be compatible with what you’re blending. Use broth, water, barbecue sauce, or ketchup for meats. Adding liquid will also help if you need to get the food through a straw to eat it. Some foods work better than others when blended. If you’re not sure, try a small amount and see what happens.
Eat smaller, more frequent meals. Use whole milk, milk products, and cream. Add protein powder, powdered supplements, powdered milk, or even chocolate syrup to foods.