Do not eat fried or pickled meat. Avoid fatty, fibrous meats that have lots of gristle. Choose tofu as an appropriate alternative to meat; soy tempeh, however, is not approved on this diet. If you have dentures, substitute ground meat for whole meat.

Don’t put jam or marmalade on your bread; jelly is okay if it doesn’t contain seeds. White rice, pasta, noodles, and potatoes without skin are all okay to eat on the low residue diet. You can also enjoy waffles, French toast, and pancakes! When dining out, express your diet needs to your server. Be sure to inquire whether the dish contains nuts or seeds.

Stay away from pickles, sauerkraut, and other fermented foods. Particularly avoid peas, winter squash, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, onions, cabbage, cauliflower, and baked beans. Stay away from lima beans and corn, even from cans.

1 teaspoon margarine, or 2 teaspoons diet margarine 1 teaspoon vegetable oil or olive oil 1 teaspoon mayonnaise or 2 teaspoons light mayonnaise 1 tablespoon salad dressing

Citrus Bananas (ripe) Ripe peaches or pears (peeled) Cooked or canned cherries, peaches, pears, and applesauce Plums and apricots Melons Baked apples Fruit cocktail

Citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits are good options because you peel the skin and the seeds are large enough to see and remove.

A serving of milk is 1 cup. A serving of pudding, custard, or ice cream is ½ cup. Cottage cheese, cream cheese, and soft mild cheeses are okay to eat. Avoid strongly flavored, aged cheeses.

Check the ingredients list before eating anything that you don’t make yourself. Ice cream, yogurt, pastries, bread, sauces, and many other food items contain seeds or nuts. Avoid these.

Buy juice without pulp.

Check the labels on soda and teas to make sure they are decaffeinated.