Fold your paper in half from left to right. Crease the paper well and unfold it. Fold your paper in half bottom to top. Crease your fold and unfold the paper.

Fold the bottom right corner into the upper left corner. Crease the fold well and unfold the crease. Fold the bottom left corner into the upper right corner. Crease the fold well and unfold the crease.

Tucking the left and right sides into the middle. Pulling the top and bottom together to sandwich the left and right sides. Creasing the resulting fold to form a triangular shape.

Then, turn your paper over and perform this fold one more time. After you have completed the fold, your paper should be in a diamond shape, with the bottom point of the diamond facing you.

Repeat this fold for the two flaps on the right side.

Tucking the open ended edge into the pocket formed by the fold of the paper.

Put your lips to the center of the X shape that forms the base of your tulip bulb. Exhale steadily until your tulip bulb feels fully inflated.

You may want to crease your petals for effect. You may leave your petals uncreased and slightly pulled back from the tip of your tulip bulb to give a more natural appearance.