To check if the gloves are arranged correctly, look at the thumbs. They should neatly stack on top of each other.

Fold the thumbs together in one motion, rather than folding each thumb separately. Avoid tucking your thumbs inside of the glove.

Your gloves should look like a small bundle at this point.

By doing this, you essentially tuck both gloves inside of the outside glove. The fabric will easily stretch over the rest of the bundle since there is elastic in the wrist.

Avoid stacking the gloves the opposite way, or it will be difficult to roll them up.

You can also do this as you roll up the gloves.

For a guideline, fold the bottom to approximately where the thumbs meet the hand of the glove.

As you flip the gloves over, hold the fold with 1 hand so it doesn’t come undone.

While this doesn’t have to be precise, the more compact your gloves fold up, the smaller your bundle will be.

Your glove bundle should be about 1–2 in (2. 5–5. 1 cm) thick at this point.

Hold the end of the glove with your other hand as you do this. That way, the folds you made earlier will stay in place. At this point, you may notice an air bubble trapped inside. If so, continue rolling your fingers as if the air bubble is not there. Most of the air will disappear as you fold it up.

If the plastic is really tight, that means you rolled the gloves well and there were no air bubbles. You can roll your gloves as tightly as you’d like, based on personal preference.