There may be a direct flight available, or you might have to choose a flight with a layover in a different city before continuing to your destination. Be sure to account for extra time in between flights if you select a flight with a layover, as Spirit experiences many delays.

The price of carry-on or checked bag increases after you book your flight. If you realize you’ll need to check a bag, you can add luggage to your flight at any time at a slightly higher price. Adding checked luggage the day of the flight will incur up to $100 in fees.

If you’re traveling with small children, make sure you pack coloring books, word searches, and toys to keep them occupied. Their fare includes a personal item, too, so you can pack their small bag with activities for the flight.

To avoid having to purchase snacks, you can take fruit, vegetables, and most pre-packaged snacks that aren’t liquid through airport security. If you need a drink, you can also purchase a water bottle or beverage before your flight.

Make sure you don’t leave your bags unattended at any point while you are waiting for the flight.