You can also graze knees while sitting at a table or next to each other. Walking side by side is an easy way to graze each other’s arms or hands.

For instance, you might come up to someone and touch their shoulder while saying hello. If you’re sitting across from someone, touching their hand while you’re laughing or talking works well too. Make sure you’re close enough to the person so that you’re not awkwardly reaching.

For example, if you wanted to introduce them to another person, you might take their hand and say, “Come with me please, I want you to meet Rob. ” Taking someone’s hand shows a more intimate sign of affection. Instead of the hand, you can also guide the other person using their elbow or the small of their back.

This works well if you’re sitting on a couch, in a booth at a restaurant, or on a bench in a park or other space. It’s best to start out small and sit so that your body is just barely touching theirs.

Cuddle while watching TV, listening to music, or having a conversation where you’re sitting comfortably.

If you’re close with them, you might kiss them on the nose or forehead as well.

You might hug someone when congratulating them or sharing good news. Make your hug last just a few seconds, working up to longer hugs after you’ve known each other for awhile.

If someone you’re trying to flirt with looks at you, hold their eye contact for roughly 3 seconds before smiling and looking away. Maintain eye contact while you’re in a conversation with the other person to show that you’re interested.

Smile at the other person if they’re talking to you, or even give them a small smile from across the room to get their attention.

Try to only touch your mouth when the other person is talking to show that you’re listening intently. Touching your mouth while you’re talking will cover up your mouth, making it harder for the other person to hear what you’re saying. Rest your head lightly on your hand while sitting so you can easily place your fingers near your mouth. Touching your own neck lightly while talking can give off flirtatious vibes too.

Flip your hair from your shoulders using your hand to reveal a little bit of skin. Run your hand through your hair once or twice while talking to the other person. Try not to play with your hair the entire time you’re interacting, as this can be distracting.

You might bite your lip gently while thinking about the answer to a question someone just asked you, or lick your lips when you’re standing close to the other person and want to hint that you like them.