Don’t just text “Hi. " This puts all the pressure on them to move the conversation forward, which often leads to the conversation going nowhere. [1] X Research source Instead, try asking what they’re up to or reminding them of something funny that happened in school. Be available but not too available. Responding to texts right away shows a certain amount of over-eagerness that your crush may find unattractive. By letting a little time go by between texts, you show your crush that you’re a busy person with a lot going on, which makes you more appealing. Don’t wait longer than 24-hours to text back, as this indicates a lack of interest on your part. [2] X Research source

Don’t go overboard when it comes to showing interest on social media platforms. You don’t want to scare them off. Avoid liking very old pictures or Tweets, as this indicates stalking. [3] X Research source Try commenting with compliments. Everyone wants to hear nice things about themselves, so try complimenting him on anything from the shirt he’s wearing in his Facebook profile picture to a move you saw them post on SnapChat.

Make sure your profile picture is a good representation of you. This is the first image your crush will see of you online, so make sure it’s flattering and portrays the best version of yourself.

Give your friend a heads-up that you’re interested in your crush. If they don’t know, they can’t help you, and they may accidentally end up flirting with them themselves.

Pick a character that has characteristics that are completely different than your own. There’s no point in creating an alter ego if she’s going to be a very similar version of who you are in real life. Give your character a name and backstory. Shop for clothes for her that are different than the ones you would normally wear as yourself.

If you’re worried about running out of questions to ask, take some time before hanging out and create a list. There are many lists of great first date questions available online, so try referencing those for some fun ideas.

Put your phone down. It’s impossible to be a good listener if you’re fooling around on the Internet, so stash the distractions and focus on the conversation.

Don’t stare at your crush, it may make them uncomfortable. Count to three, slowly, in your head, and then break eye contact. Eye contact lasting longer than three seconds may be off-putting.

If you don’t want to wear red, go for brown, black, or purple. People tend to respond well to these colors as well. [11] X Expert Source Maria AvgitidisMatchmaker & Dating Expert Expert Interview. 20 December 2019.