Remember this spot so that you can find it again and use it to initiate your landing.

It may be helpful to choose a number between four and eight. Count your bounces. On the number you chose, make that bounce your highest and start the flip. Jump at least 6 ft (1. 8 m) in the air before you prepare to flip. [1] X Expert Source Tanya BerensonGymnastics Instructor Expert Interview. 22 May 2020.

If you lean back too far, you won’t have enough momentum. If you lean forward, you will have a harder time flipping.

In case you begin to fall, don’t brace yourself with your hands. This may cause wrist damage.

Your arms aren’t used for momentum in this flip, so it isn’t necessary to raise them.

Improper use of a trampoline can lead to severe head and spinal injuries. Flipping increases your chances of this. Flips should not be attempted until you feel completely comfortable using a trampoline.

Proper cushioning shields you when you fall. The motion and momentum from flipping makes bone fractures more likely.