Why Is My Roku Not Turning On?

Some of the most common issues are:

A bad power cable or not enough power getting to the device. Loose connections. A missing update. A firmware issue. Overheating.

Regardless of the cause of the issue, there are some things to try if your Roku device isn’t working properly.

How Do I Get My Roku to Turn On?

If your Roku won’t turn on, here are a few troubleshooting steps you can try in order from easiest, most likely to work to hardest, least likely to work.

Make sure all your connections are secure. It’s possible something has bumped a cord or connection and loosened it so there’s not enough of a connection for the Roku to work. Try making sure all your connections are tight. Use a different power outlet. If your Roku is connected to a power outlet, try using a different outlet to see if the issue might be the outlet. Be sure the outlet you are trying is working by plugging something else to it first. If your Roku is plugged into a USB port on your TV for power, try plugging it in with an external power cord. Sometimes the USB connection can’t pull enough power to operate the Roku. Also check the batteries in your Roku remote to be sure that’s not the problem. Make sure you’re using the cables that came with your Roku. It might be tempting to use other cables you have laying around, but stick to the Roku cables, as they were designed specifically for that model. Similarly, try using different cables with your Roku device (Roku branded if you can) to see if the cables you are using to make the connections to power and with the TV might be bad. Disconnect and then reconnect the Roku. If everything seems to be in working order, try disconnecting the Roku completely and then reconnect it. Try updating your Roku. An out-of-date device might not work properly. The Roku should update automatically on its own, but if the device doesn’t update, or you just want to be sure you’re running the most recent version of the software and firmware for it, you can use these steps to update: You’ll need to be able to at least get a Roku home screen in order to be able to update the device. Press the Home button on the Roku remote. Select Settings > System Settings > System Update. Choose Check Now. If an update is available for your Roku, it should begin to download and update the device. Do not interrupt the Roku while it’s updating. Interrupting it could result in a corrupted update making things worse instead of better. Try resetting your Roku. When all else fails, you can try to reset your Roku to see if that might clear out whatever problem you might be experiencing.

What to Do If Your Roku Is Not Working

If none of the troubleshooting steps above work to get your Roku going again, you should reach out to Roku for support. The company might be able to solve the problem, or if the Roku device is still under warranty, to replace it altogether.

If your Roku is plugged into a USB port on your TV for power, try plugging it in with an external power cord. Sometimes the USB connection can’t pull enough power to operate the Roku.

Similarly, try using different cables with your Roku device (Roku branded if you can) to see if the cables you are using to make the connections to power and with the TV might be bad.

Press the Home button on the Roku remote. Select Settings > System Settings > System Update. Choose Check Now.

If an update is available for your Roku, it should begin to download and update the device.