Why Is AirPlay Not Working on Roku?

AirPlay problems on Roku can be caused by various issues with your iOS device, your Roku, or your internet connection. However, most AirPlay problems are internet-related or temporary issues solved by a restart or a reset.

Since AirPlay was designed to be user-friendly and require next to no fiddling to get working, troubleshooting problems with AirPlay is similarly uncomplicated.

How to Fix AirPlay Issues on Roku

AirPlay issues on Roku can come from many sources depending on the problem, from network problems to temporary glitches on Roku and much more.

So, while it may be tough to understand why something went wrong with AirPlay on Roku, there are approachable fixes you can try out to see if they fix your issue.

Restart your Roku. While simple, a restart can solve a wide variety of temporary issues, so it’s a good first start for fixes. Make sure to wait a few seconds when it’s powered down before turning it back on. Restart your router and modem. AirPlay relies on Wi-Fi, so if you’re having network connectivity issues, this might be the reason why your AirPlay isn’t working with your Roku. Restarting your router and modem is a good way to fix temporary issues with your home network. AirPlay is a Wi-Fi-based technology, so it’s essential your network is up and running, both devices have Wi-Fi enabled, and are connected to the same Wi-Fi network. If you’re attempting to mirror your screen using AirPlay on Roku, make sure screen mirroring is set up correctly. This process only takes a few steps, and if that was the issue, mirroring should begin working immediately after set up. Follow Apple Support’s suggested first steps for addressing AirPlay issues. Apple suggests you make sure your AirPlay devices are in range of each other, check both devices are updated to their latest version, and restart both devices. Sometimes, software updates can introduce bugs which breaks certain features, but by keeping up-to-date you can be sure to have all the latest fixes out there, minimizing the chance of future problems occurring. Reset your Roku. While serious-sounding, and best as a last resort, resetting your Roku can fix any number of problems in the actual Roku system’s software itself. There’s not much major to worry about resetting your Roku, but you will have to go through and pick your settings again. Contact Roku support or contact Apple support. While unlikely, there’s a chance you are encountering a unique problem with your specific device. By contacting a representative from either company you can be sure to find out if there’s something defective or if there’s another fix to your issue.