How Hulu Error Code P-EDU103 Appears

When this error occurs, you will usually see a message like this:

We’re having trouble playing this. Your Home network must be a residential, non-mobile internet connection. Hulu Error Code: P-EDU103.

Causes of Hulu Error Code P-EDU103

Hulu error code p-edu103 appears when Hulu believes that you are attempting to use Hulu with Live TV on a streaming device that’s connected to a non-residential or mobile internet connection. If you have indeed attempted to set a non-residential or mobile internet connection as your home network, then that is the cause of your P-EDU103 error.

If you have a residential, non-mobile internet connection, like cable or DSL, and you live in an area where Hulu TV is available, then there are many fixes you can attempt on your own to fix the error. If you cannot fix it on your own, you will have to contact Hulu for assistance with approving your network.

How To Fix Hulu Error Code P-EDU103

To fix Hulu error code p-edu103 and start streaming again, follow each of these steps in order. If a step doesn’t apply to your specific device, you can skip it and move on to the next one. If Hulu starts working at any point, you can skip the rest of the steps and return to enjoying your stream. Come back and try the other steps if you experience the P-EDU103 error again in the future.

Check your internet connection. While any internet connection will work for the basic Hulu service, Hulu with Live TV requires a residential, non-mobile internet connection. Ensure that your device isn’t accidentally connected to a mobile network, a non-private Wi-Fi network like at a dorm, or a commercial Wi-Fi network like from an office or business. If it’s connected to the wrong network, reconnect it to your home network. Connect your device via ethernet. If you aren’t sure what network you’re connected to, try connecting directly to your modem or router with an ethernet cable. This will ensure that you’re connecting to the right network. Make sure you aren’t using a VPN or proxy. If your device is connected through a virtual private network (VPN) or proxy, that will prevent Hulu from seeing that it’s connected to your home network. Disable the VPN or proxy, and Hulu with Live TV should start working again. If you originally set your home network with the VPN or proxy active, you may need to reset your home network after disabling the VPN or proxy. Check your Hulu with Live TV home network. Your Hulu home network may be set to the wrong network accidentally. Check which network is set, and change it to your current network if necessary. If you have changed internet service providers or moved to a new home, you will need to perform this procedure even within the same geographical area. Here’s how to set your home network with Hulu: Connect your streaming device to your home network, and log into Hulu. Navigate to the Hulu Account page using a web browser on your computer or phone. In the Privacy and Settings section, click or tap Set or Change Home. Confirm the change. You can only change your home network four times per year. If you have used all of your changes, contact Hulu support. Update your Hulu app and streaming device. If your home network is set correctly, and you’re sure that you’re connected to the right network, you may have an outdated app or outdated firmware on your streaming device. To rule out this potential issue, make sure that both your Hulu app and streaming device firmware are up to date. You may need to delete and reinstall the Hulu app in some cases. Try a different streaming device. If you have more than one streaming device, check to see if the P-EDU103 code appears on the other devices. If it doesn’t, then there is an issue with the initial device or the app on that device. Consider contacting Hulu support or the device manufacturer for further assistance. Check to see if you have a dynamic IP address. If you have a dynamic IP address that changes frequently, you won’t be able to use Hulu with Live TV on your streaming devices. Hulu will see the new IP address and think you have changed networks, causing the P-EDU103 error. Here’s how to check if you have a dynamic IP address: Navigate to google. com, and use the search phrase what is my IP address. Write down the IP address. Restart your modem, and reconnect to the internet. Navigate to google. com, and use the search phrase what is my IP address. Compare the two IP addresses. If they are different, you have a dynamic IP address. It’s possible to have a dynamic IP address that changes based on time instead of whenever you reboot your modem. If you suspect that you have a dynamic IP but can’t verify it yourself, contact your ISP and ask. Obtain a static IP address. If you have a dynamic IP address, you will need to obtain a static IP address if you want to keep using Hulu with Live TV. First, contact your ISP and try to obtain a static IP address. If that isn’t possible or costs too much money, then your other option is to switch to a different ISP that uses static IP addresses. Use a mobile device. The home network requirement only pertains to dedicated streaming devices like Roku and Apple TV. If you are unable to resolve your issue, you should still be able to stream live TV on mobile devices without issue. If you want to watch on your television, you can connect a laptop to your television via HDMI or stream from your phone using Chromecast.

What If the Error Code P-EDU103 Persists?

If you still experience the P-EDU103 error code after going through these troubleshooting steps, or you see the code when viewing Hulu on your computer or mobile device, you will need to contact Hulu support for additional assistance. You may be experiencing a new issue that can only be fixed by Hulu updating their app or a rare problem that requires manual intervention. In that case, Hulu support may be able to manually set your home network location or provide other fixes that you cannot do yourself.

Here’s how to set your home network with Hulu:

Connect your streaming device to your home network, and log into Hulu. Navigate to the Hulu Account page using a web browser on your computer or phone. In the Privacy and Settings section, click or tap Set or Change Home. Confirm the change.

Here’s how to check if you have a dynamic IP address:

Navigate to google. com, and use the search phrase what is my IP address. Write down the IP address. Restart your modem, and reconnect to the internet. Navigate to google. com, and use the search phrase what is my IP address. Compare the two IP addresses. If they are different, you have a dynamic IP address.